As I am born in the early fifties, I was to young to really catch the first wave of pin-ups, so as many others my age I fully discovered this art form on the internet. I was fascinated by the art form's relatively innocent handling of nudity compared to what is to be found in magazines and on the net to day. Having dabbled in erotic comix for years, I felt like trying my hand at some pinups. You'll find the result here.

Looking at those rosy cheeked young women shown in forties and fifties pin-ups, I came to wonder what they might look like later in life. Here are 20 images showing what this wondering led to. All drawings shown here are in watercolours, and the originals are 29,5 x 42 cm.

My comix are drawn in pencil, as is most of my illustrations, so trying out some pin-ups in this technique came quite natural. You'll find 20 of these here. The models range from young to more mature and these originals are 29,5 x 42 cm as well.


Webmaster: Tidious Ted
All text and graphics: Copyright R.L.Wood


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