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I. Having the Knob Cleaned.

Jolanda made not the slightest hast
in covering up her sweat-soaked naked skin
but leaned forward and playfully gazed
into my eyes and said with a grin:
"Growing boys should be in bed by now.
this alone is very bad, not to mention
that nasty piece of meat you seem to grow
so desperately in need of some attention.
" Having said this, she nodded at my erection
which had slipped through my pyjamas as I fell
"On your feet." She said "and move in this direction,
I've got just the very thing to make it well."
As I followed her instructions to the letter
I can swear I was already starting to feel better.

As she had me standing slightly shaking
between her thighs she let my trousers drop.
Then she pulled my foreskin back making
sticky juice ooze from my shaft without stop.
She started fondled my scrotum before slipping
her fingers tightly round my creaming bulbous head.
Then she closed her lips around it's dripping
and started sucking dextrously on it instead.
As I felt my shaft in her tender mouth encased
the sensation made me withdraw from her embrace
but she grabbed me firmly by my narrow waist
pulling me deeper into her lovely upturned face.
My inexperience must take most of the blame
but I grabbed her head firmly and came.

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