I. Reconquering the Premises

The summer of 32 - I was fifteen years
and my parents went abroad without me.
I saw them leave shedding no tears
instead I felt exhilaration at being free
When their car took off I sure can tell
I waved at them from the veranda
Giving them a cheerful wave as well
beside me, our Portuguese maid Jolanda.
When the vehicle no longer could be seen
she turned to me, her eyes soft and brown
She said."Good riddance, I should mean.
That leaves only the two of us around,
and I will take care of you, have no fear.
You will remember this summer, my dear.

The first few days I just enjoyed feeling
the freedom brought by missing the sound
of my parents constantly reeling
off instructions or ordering me around.
I was the Lord & Master at last
of the house and servants so tender.
It did make both my pulse and heartbeat fast
to know they were all of the female gender.
I did make my way downstairs one day.
One might say this was a stroke of luck.
Of my discoveries I will tell without delay
Of what my eyes that day upon did struck
imagination do make but poor a match.
Oh, blessed be that small inspection hatch.

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