This website has been
constructed for gay men aged 18 years and over. It contains images of
adult nudity and other gay adult material. By clicking ACCEPT below you
are indicating that you are aged 18+. If you are under 18 years old, or if
you find images of a gay male sexual nature offensive in any way, or if
you are viewing this site in a country or state where such activity is
illegal you must leave the site immediately. If you believe we are
violating any intellectual property rights or are featuring any images
without consent or proper authorisation then please contact us immediately
so we may take appropriate action. |
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To the best of my knowledge and judgment, all models here are age 18 or over, and are intended to depict males age 18 and over, and no representation is made to the contrary. All models have been selected for their young looks. Further, all images have been acquired from public sources and are not assumed to be copyrighted material. If you have a copyright claim to one of these images, or have any objections pertaining to the legal merits of any image contained within this site, please notify me immediately so that I can remove it from these pages. |
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